Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why are Medical Doctors Amazed With Bovine Colostrum Extract?

Why are Medical Doctors Amazed With Bovine Colostrum Extract?

by Arthur M. Echano, MD, ND, MACNEM

In modern medicine, there are basically 2 major therapeutic ways in dealing with diseases: drugs and surgery. Whenever you visit your medical doctor, s/he either prescribes a drug or recommends an operation.

Perfectly Safe and Effective

So when medical consultants start using a natural health product and get excited about it, this is unorthodox medical practice. Why would modern medical doctors adopt a form of therapy that is outside of the conventional modern medical way? There is only one reason: safety and effectiveness.
Lately, one such complementary medicine formulation that has attracted the attention of medicos is bovine colostrum extract. This simple and yet highly effective extract from the first milk of cows is now commercially prepared and is about to be marketed around the globe. What is special about it?

 Immune System Revival

We know that chemotherapy and radiotherapy have strong immunosuppressant effects. A very bad side effect since immune cells particularly the natural killer cells hunt and destroy cancer cells. But with these cells weakened or reduced in numbers due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy, how can the spread of cancer be checked? By reviving immune function. With what? Bovine colostrum extract.

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